Tuesday, 4 June 2013

[Comic] Tek Bio

Today was a slow day as far as work goes, I didn't wake up until midday due to flat parties keeping me awake. Grumpiness aside, here's a quick start on Tek's bio for the upcoming comic with Mori:

Tek Bio
Full name: Techa Tesla Decahedron Monochrome

An aspiring ship engineer with a moody attitude. After failing her exam in ship repairs, she drinks her sorrows away in a bar/ship. Little does she know (or notice) that a planetary invasion breaks out, and as she slips from consciousness in a drunk heap, the ship she is on board sets for the stars. Waking up, she throws a hostile panic at her mysterious surroundings and new company, but gradually accepts it as "shit happens". While she takes the role of support and engineering, she still has scars from failing her exam, and when the ship is in true danger and she needs to save the day, does she have the confidence to succeed?

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