Friday 18 January 2013

[Drawing] War

The second Timekeeper to be redesigned is War. Since the original design I have added a lot more detail to his design and bulked out the details to make him look more solid. An important part of his design is the basic shapes he is built from, these are a huge help when animating as it helps to draw the character from other angles and in new poses. The main part of his body is a large box shape, that works in the same way as a "strong character's" chest area. This also helps to make the head look smaller, which reflects the characters low intelligence. 
The picture above was done by a long time friend of mine, who's illustration work can be found here. I learned a few things from this picture's style that I could apply to my work. The first was the focal point (the head). The rest of the design is rounded to make this the center point. For example the hovering fan below the character, notice how it tapers away from the center point of the design. This helps with the hulking appearance of the character. Another design choice I liked, but decided not to use was the points on the elbow area. These helped to break up the design just a little, while keeping the appearance sharp. I also took the idea of a third colour from this design. War has a dark red and black design, so in the image below, I added a blue glow to add some contrast. This could add some interesting lighting effects in dark scenes.

Mori also suggested changing the fan on the bottom of the character. With the regular guards, it was a comedic effect that the large bodies were supported simply by a tiny fan. For the leader however, this would be a huge weak point in combat, so I decided to create a ring of "energy" below him that carries the fan motif from the other characters.

The new design also reflects his personality design a lot more. An element of Timekeeper characters is the amount of power their bodies take up. War had a number of glowy parts and gadgets, which use up more power. All this power usage drains his intelligence and makes him a childish brute obsessed with conflict.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see these character's develop into a more animate-able appearance

