Monday, 27 May 2013

[Reflection] Anxiety

I've been full of anxiety lately over a few things, which was really starting to get to me the more and more I put up with it. Not only am I insanely worried about how my University work will turn out this year (I'm honestly expecting to fail catastrophically) but I'm also pretty damn worried about money and such too. To help counter the latter, I had a run around the internet looking for odd jobs and managed to gather some art commissions to keep me going for now, I've also got the first few bits of the next NBR animation done too, so hopefully I'll soon be able to cross financial worries off the list for a while. As for the university side, I literally keep waking up every morning and hating myself for not pushing myself more. That feeling isn't going to go away until I know how I've done, so I just have to deal with it for now and hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Not a single person cares about grades in the real world. Clients will see you as an "artist" and only care about what they can see in your portfolio. Ironically I only started getting good grades after I realised this and stop trying to please my tutor
